Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater – Best Aiming and Shooting Strategies


I'm playing Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater in the HD Collection on Xbox 360.

The best way I've figured out to aim firearms is to hold down both bumpers, click the left stick to look down the sights, left stick to aim, and X to fire. This feels pretty slow and limited, and I'm finding it's just not cutting it for boss fights, The Fear in particular. Is there a better way to aim in this game?

Also, is there a way to move while aiming in first person?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, there is no better way to aim.

This is due to lack of a feature called "Pressure sensitivity" in modern controllers. DualShock 2 and DualShock 3 used to have pressure sensitive buttons. Back in the old PS2 days in order to look down the sights, a player would have to lightly hold the fire button and fully press it when targeting is done. I assume the game developers had to change the scheme to match the modern controllers.

Also, you cannot move whilst in first-person view.