Bonus points after turning in contract for the second time


I completed a contract but missed some bonus points, so I did the contract again to get them all. Each time I turned in the contract after getting the bonus points, the number of stars I have didn't change. It showed me that it gave me a star, but my stars were unchanged (3).

Is there a limit to how many stars you can have at once, or this just bugged?

Edit: here are some screenshots before and after, except this time it was doing the contract for the first time:

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

It seems that it caps it at 3 stars, and throws away any stars over that amount. After I took the screenshots above, I bought the next sniper contract and then restarted TF2:

  1. 5

Best Answer

If you switch contracts again, or relaunch TF2 with a new contract selected, the star count should update.

Contract updates not happening has been a problem for awhile, even after I've completely finished and maxed out all my contracts, I still get notifications saying 'contracts available' with the respective voice lines.