Boost Items in Game Dev Story


I've been playing Game Dev Story a bit lately, and have gotten to the point where I own all the boost items, have a fair bit of tech, and are consistently selling really well with my games – though I haven't yet gotten a GOTY award.

My theory is that if I want that award, I need to pump up the stats of the game during development (makes sense). It stands to reason that the Boost Items help with this.

However, I am a little confused as to who I should select to use the Boost items, when to use them, and how often I should. Can anyone help me here? 😛

Best Answer

The boost items act fairly similarly to when one of your employees asks you if they can attempt to improve the current game. You spend the research points that it tells you (you can't increase the amount of points you spend) and the game allows you to select which employee should use the boost. However, the main difference is that the boost doesn't fail. I'd if you have a project that's looking good, use the boost items as many times as your research points allow to patch of the weak points.

One thing to note - the items don't disappear after you use them.