Borderlands 2, fast travel stations, how to know whether I can return


Some of the fast travel stations in Borderlands 2 are one-way, like the one on Bloodshot Ramparts. I can travel from that location, but I can't travel directly to it.

Is there any way to know this when I'm at the station, coloring, symbols, text in the fast travel dialog?

I mean, without actually travelling through it and testing it? It would be handy to know if this was possible to learn beforehand, so that I know if I can take a quick trip back to Sanctuary to stock up on ammo and empty my inventory, without having to play a large swath of the map again to return.

Best Answer

Exit-only fast travel stations will look like this (has yellowish text and a sign similar to a 'No U-turn' sign):

Image source: Borderlands Wiki, "Fast Travel" article