Borderlands – Do any relics other than the Vault Hunter Relic boost Rare Item Chance


With the preorder bonus I got the Vault Hunter Relic which gives +5% rare item chance. The problem with that is I have never and will never equip another relic unless it has a better rare item chance.

So far (1/3rd of the way into playthrough 2) I've never seen another relic with + rare item chance. Are there any others, or am I going to be wearing this one forever?

Best Answer

Vault Hunter Relic is the only relic that improves rare item chance.

In Borderlands 2 you can find Basic and Legendary relics.

Basic Relics

  • Vitality: Increases health stats.

  • Stockpile: Increases your ammo storage for different types of ammo.

  • Protection: Improves shield capabilities and damage absorption.

  • Strength: Improves melee abilities.

  • Resistance: Limits damage you take from different types of weapons.

  • Tenacity: Intensifies Second Wind abilities.

  • Proficiency: Decreases the action skill cool down rate.

  • Elemental: Provides an increase to elemental weapon damage.

  • Aggression: Provides a boost to a particular weapon type.

  • Allegiance: Reserved manufacturers products improved.

Legendary Relics

  • Lucrative Opportunity It causes shop timers to count down faster.

  • Deputy’s Badge It increases “Fight For Your Life Time” by 10% for every player who has this relic equipped. Location: Showdown

  • Sheriff’s Badge It increases “Fight For Your Life Time” by 15% for every player who has this relic on them. However, it is very rare and so more difficult to find. Location: Sheriff (Lynchwood)

  • Moxxi’s Endowment It increases the amount of XP earned by killing enemies but is rare. Location: The Good The Bad And The Mordicai Mission, Moxxi’s Endowment

  • Vault Hunter It enhances the probability of enemy dropping rare loot. It is also rare.

  • The Afterburner It intensifies vehicle boost capabilities and it is rare too. Location: Positive Self-Image