Borderlands – Do skill points from a class mod apply if you haven’t activated that skill yet


I am currently playing as a hunter with a primary focus on gunslinger and I do not have any points in rogue yet. However, I picked up a scavenger class mod that adds:

+3 Team scavenge extra items
+2 Swipe skill
+2 Ransack skill
+3 Out for blood skill

I have yet to spend any points on these skills and I do not want to waste my class mod opportunity. Do these points from this class mod apply when I have to unlock those skills ?

Best Answer

Class Mods take effect as long as you have at least 1 point on that skill.

The points added from the Class Mod can stack to over 5 points adding extra effect. However, certain skills are not really worth putting more than 5 points into, such as Aerial Impact for the Hunter. I mean, whats the point of having an over 100% chance to stun enemies? That's just wasting skill points that could go to something else.

Taken from here.