Borderlands – Does Axton’s Sabre Turret allow for legendary drops


When I'm farming for legendaries as Axton, is it a bad idea to let my sabre turrets kill the enemy? Do I need to kill them myself to allow a legendary to drop?

Best Answer


The idea that killing things with your action skill would reduce the legendary drop rate seemed so absurd initially that I almost downvoted the question. I mean, depending on your build, that could easily be the main way you kill everything. It would be extremely odd to penalize a large segment of players playing the game the way it was intended.

That being said, whether you or your follower kills something in Diablo 2 can have an impact on the magic find rate in certain rare circumstances, so I decided it wasn't completely ludicrous.

After about 15 minutes searching message boards, wikis, and guides, I see no reason to think that you should avoid killing things with your turret.