Borderlands – Fast HP Regeneration


On some YouTube videos I have seen, the player regenerates health very fast when they become hurt. However, I don't know how to regenerate so fast.

Is there any particular skill or ability that allows you to regenerate HP very fast?

FACT: All videos I have seen that kind of regeneration play gunzerker.

Best Answer

He's a Gunzerker, and their brawl tree have health regen abilities, being a "tank" class. Especially, from that link:

Level 22-31 – Alternate assigning points into Ain’t Got Time to Bleed (first) and Last Longer. Health regeneration and longer Gunzerking is what you’re all about when tanking for the team.


Level 37-41 – Max out Sexual Tyrannosaurus (really?) that gives you health regeneration while taking damage. In other words you will be in god mode for real.

Also, there is a legendary shield that regenerates life (source: Borderlands 2 wiki)

Neogenator, Anshin, Legendary: Regenerates health when active. Damage to shield increases health regen rate.