Borderlands – How do enemies scale in Borderlands 2?


I am considering buying Borderlands 2 today, but I've read in a few places that enemies don't scale properly. Some say that this only occurs on normal while others say otherwise. I just want to make sure that if I do get it – that the enemies will scale properly as I go along. So is it true or false that enemies don't scale properly?

Best Answer

In Borderlands, enemies do scale properly. Wherever enemies scale, it does not introduce problems or imbalances.

Player's health and gun damage (values easily inspected) increase by 13% per level. Other variables, like enemy damage and enemy health, scale accordingly - while I can't readily prove that it is 13% per level, it is definitely adequate.

Some areas of the game have enemies of fixed level, while other spawn enemies of levels (player level + some constant).