Borderlands – How is Fight For Your Life time determined


The teammate revive timer appears to move faster than usual sometimes. Am I imagining this?How does the bleed-out/revive/cripple time change, and what affects it? Does it quicken with your level/experience? Or when playing in groups outside your ideal level range? The number of co-op players in a game? As a penalty for repeatedly dying?

Also, how many seconds is it, and how does that change?

Best Answer

Fight for your life time reduces each time you use it during a single 'fight'. It appears to reset once there are no aggroed enemies near you, or when you respawn at a New U.

Bleed-out time can be increased with artifacts, shield mods and some team-level bonuses. The number of players in the team won't affect it, but the number equipping Veritas gun or Aequitas shield will.

Player level and relative co-op level have no effect.