Borderlands – How much damage do grenades deal per second


Can anyone tell me what the effective rate of fire is for grenade throwing, for working out how damage per second compares to guns?

Best Answer

After doing some research I have not been able to find an effective "rate of fire" for grenades, however after just throwing grenades for a bit I would say that you throw them at a rate of around 1.0-1.1 about 1 per second (this is just me doing a little working out and might not be representative of actual throw rate). However the DPS will be greatly reliant on what type of grenade you are using in conjunction with the prefix . For example a longbow with a fuse time of 0.0 will get to and explode faster than a rubberised AOE with a fuse time of 2.3, therefore having a greater burst damage where as the AOE will have a greater sustained damage. Unless you are using a Bomber O2 kit that has a free grenade chance and increased grenade damage, I would suggest using grenades in a more supportive role, such as a singularity for CC, a tesla for gaining maelstrom stacks for Athena or simply a lobbed into a group of enemies to gain a reprieve from their unrelenting onslaught. But of course it is up to you to play the game in anyway that you see fit and to enjoy it :) Hope this helped.