Borderlands – How to beat Hyperius the invincible


So two friends and I (2 sirens with Res, one gunzerker) have been trying to kill Hyperious for a couple hours. At best we could get him down to about 1/4th health.

We have The Bee and the Conference call and we know to res each other, we know to stay spread out, but his AOE "nuke" attack is so long range.

We're thinking the trick must have to do with Aggression management and his robots. Once you kill all 4 robots he's vulnerable, but still hard to kill and his aggro seems random; even with 2 Sirens we couldn't make sure everyone stayed alive. It's not that we healed too slowly (our phaselock came active almost instantly) but at some point it'd always wind up that both Sirens were down, and if the Gunzerker tried to res one of us, half the time he got taken out too.

Also, the Bee seems oddly useless against him. I know the bee itself hasn't been nerfed, but the damage boost seems useless in this fight, even when the shield is up. Is this due to the shields or some special property of the boss or what?

So what do we do with his robots? Leave one alive, shoot Hyperious when his shield is down, kill all the robots ASAP or what? What team should I have? Do we really need 4 Sirens with healing spec?

How can we kill Hyperious?

Best Answer

The way I have beat him in co-op was with myself as Maya and my friend as Axton. Axton used his turret with bubble shield at the start which blocks the first blasts fully and I was throwing the baby maker at hyperious with the bee equipped took him down to half health. Then you just need to keep stopping his bots from connecting to him so he can't use the blast or have his shield, we both used conference calls for this save your SMG ammo until he hasn't got a shield.

Try to get a relic to boost tediore dmg and try to keep the bots alive as long as possible but you will eventually have to kill them all. When this happens Axton should throw down turrets to attract him (hopefully, worked for us) then throw your baby maker and you should have him dead. By the time we killed all the bots he had less then a quarter of his health left so it wasn't too bad with him jumping around. Dropped some bad loot though :(