Borderlands – How to deal with money and death


I just recently started playing Borderlands 2 this weekend and I am running into some problems. I am kinda new to gaming, so forgive me.

So the character I picked is Maya, and I started pretty good I guess. I follow the story line, but whenever I see side missions I do them first, and then go on with the story. I died a few times, not a big deal, but I felt I made good progress.

Last night I hit lvl 16, and had about 26,000 in my pocket. From there it went all downhill. I have 2 open side-misions, and the main mission. One is for Tiny Tina, and one for Sir Hammerlock. In both of them I have to kill flying insects which are just impossible for me. In the main storyline I just got the bombs from Tina.

The last couple of hours playing I died a lot. I died during the side mission, I died during parts of the main story, some just out of stupidity.

As it stands now I only have about 17,000 left, when I die it costs me 1,000+. If I play some more today I will end up a broke man, I guess I have to change my gameplay. I have good weapons/mods/shields, I always keep the best. I also buy the best that's in the store, no matter the price.

I am still having problems, what should I do?

1) Is there a way to store my money in the bank?

2) Should I respec? I have 5 x ward, 5 x Kinetic Reflection, 1 x Converge.

3) Can I just lose my money and get enough later in the game

Best Answer

In general, your build in early game does not matter much. Just make sure you phaselock those mutants as often as you can. If you are still uncomfortable with your build, try shifting into Harmony to heal better.

As for money, no, you can't store it in the bank, but just stop caring! Every time you die, you lose 7% of your current money—the less you have, the less you should be afraid of dying. I've never had problems with money—even if you miss that rare gun in the shop, it is not like you won't find a better one soon.

There even is a reason and a way to keep you money low voluntarily: Slot machines. There's a low but reasonable chance to win Eridium there, and as cost of playing rises with the level of main quest, there's zero point in saving for later—money inflates, Eridium doesn't! My personal way of playing is to burn all my money in slots after each trip to battlefield. Longest forays usually net me mostly two to three "rounds"—that is, gambling sessions that end in full inventory (of course, buy inventory upgrades first).


  • No money - no fear of death!
  • Accidental good gun!
  • Average of 0.1916 bars of Eridium per pull!
  • Eventual "Jackpot!" badass challenge!

The only thing you need a lot of money for is "For the Hoard!" achievement - and accumulating 3,000,000 is fairly easy even at the end of Normal, and trivial at the end of TVHM.