Borderlands – How to set up a LAN game over Hamachi


One of the perils of the tight Steam integration in Borderlands 2 that my brother and I discovered last night, is that if either of us lose our connection to the friends list server, our game goes down. When that happened to us last night, I decided to give Hamachi a try in order to create a LAN game.

We downloaded Hamachi and got the vLAN set up easily enough, but my brother had no luck searching for the LAN game I had just created. The wikia article gives a couple of solutions, but I'm not sure if they're specific to Borderlands, or apply to Borderlands 2 as well;

  1. Do these solutions apply to Borderlands 2 at all?
  2. How do I either specify the IP to connect to or the NIC to use when searching for a LAN game?

If those solutions don't apply, what is the solution for playing Borderlands 2 over Hamachi?

Best Answer

Well, I just got it working. (Kudos to jesseodonoghue on Youtube) Basically you need to do this. Change the path of the shortcut to:

"C:\Program Files\2K Games\Borderlands 2\Binaries\Win32\Borderlands2.­exe"

Where needs to be changed to the Hamachi IP of the hoster on Hamachi. Note the host does not need to do this, only the connectors. And it works. Just tried it then... GREAT SUCCESS!