Borderlands – Optimizing Axton for Solo Play


Due to a severe lack of close-level friends, I'm stuck playing Borderlands 2 solo.

I've tried a few different builds that I've found scattered around the internets, mostly focusing on one particular tree or another, but still I struggle with some of the content as I am forced to take on (sometimes) large waves of enemies single handed. Sure, I have my turret, but even that only lasts for a few seconds.

So far, I've found my damage output to be severely lacking, while my health and shield regeneration are minimal at best. I would really like to be able to find a nice balance between the two, while ultimately enabling dual-Turret launching, but I'm unsure how I can do this, currently.

How can I effectively build Axton to play solo? Is it possible to have both high-damage and survivability?

Best Answer

Surviving in borderlands isn't as much about builds as it is about tactics, leveling up and gearing up.

For tactics: When you're overwhelmed, it's tempting to take out the bad guys smallest to largest. If you do that, you'll reduce incoming damage the fastest - BUT, you'll deprive yourself of "Fight for your life" opportunites. If you kill an enemy during "Fight for your life", you'll pop up with full shields! This is the main in-combat healing option.

For leveling up: do the side quests (lowest to highest). That bonus xp will push your level higher.

For gearing up: go to the last area you were able to complete. Bonus enemies will appear with extra loot. This is the best way to get a purple or orange weapon. For example, if you're level 10, go back and clear Frostburn canyon (level 8).

Test all the weapons of blue quality and up, regardless of stats. You never know what kind of wacky gun gimmick might help.