Borderlands 2 – Can You Shoot Through Deathtrap?


Due to Deathtrap's love of melee attacks and extreme speed, he very often blocks one or more targets from my sight. Can I shoot through him and damage enemies? I tried a few times and while I confirmed I'm not hurting Deathtrap I couldn't tell if my bullets can actually go through his model or not.

Best Answer

Bullets do not go through Deathtrap. However, rockets and other things that explode on contact (glob gun shots for example) do go through deathtrap.

How I tested it:

  1. I cleared an area of enemies and summoned Deathtrap.
  2. I then positioned him between myself and a corrosion barrel. Close enough that even if I missed him due to Anarchy I couldn't hit the barrel.
  3. I then unloaded several clips into him, aiming at the barrel on the other side of him.
  4. The barrel didn't go off.
  5. To double check that I wasn't mistaken in my aim; I waited for him to disappear and then shot once, blowing up the barrel.

Additionally, to try to rule out ricochets off of Deathtrap I performed another test:

  1. I have 5 points in Close Enough (50% chance to ricochet)
  2. I summoned DeathTrap and positioned him in front of me, with the barrel off to my side.
  3. I unloaded several clips into him, aiming at different points and strafing to ensure that if I was ricocheting that it shouldn't have been able to miss.

I noticed that no ricochet trails were appearing on screen, and the barrel did not explode.