Borderlands – Tiled screen-shots on the OSX version


I'm currently running Borderlands 2 natively (Steam Version) on my Mac and I would like to know if anyone has found out where the screen-shots taken with the console command tiledshot 6 are saved or if that option is disabled in the Mac Version.

If anyone is unfamiliar with Tiledshot I suggest you look at this, it's amazing!
Tiled Screenshots – Gearbox Forum

Best Answer

It's found in ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/[number] and then from there mine was in /760/remote/49520/screenshots/

Some of those numbers seem automatically generated however, so it's possible yours will be in a different spot. I used fseventer to find my screenshots. The way I did it was:

  • Open up BL2 and get the tiledshot x y command ready
  • Open fseventer, hit play
  • Switch back to BL2 and run the command
  • Switch back to fseventer and you should the location of the new screenshot somewhere in the diagram of files

I'm sure there's a better way, but that should work.