Borderlands – What are the “diminishing returns” for phaselocking the same enethe


One of the loading screens proclaims that phaselocking the same enemy multiple times results in "diminishing returns". I've never particularly noticed this effect myself, but I find I rarely phaselock the same non-boss enemy twice, and if I phaselock a boss it's mostly "just because", the damage you deal to enemies you can't "lock" in place is minimal at my level.

What exactly are the diminishing returns? I assume Phaselock does less damage/doesn't hold as long, but what's the formula for it? Does it affect skills like Ruin and Helios which do extra damage upon Phaselocking as well?

Best Answer

Diminishing Returns means if you keep phase-locking same enemy again and again it will be less effective on him. It will be doing less damage, less time duration of effect.

I Assume it will affect the skills as well because Phaselock cant damage on its own you need to have other skills (chaos tree) to make it more useful.