Borderlands – What are the restrictions on assigning skill points


Do I need to reach 5/5 on the base skills to proceed down the trees? Do I need any points in the base skills to proceed down the trees? I'm at level 14 and I still can't assign anything below the first row but there's no hint as to why.

I feel like this must be extremely obvious but I'm not getting it.

Best Answer

You need to put 5 skill points into a tier in order to reach the next tier. It doesn't matter if you put all 5 into one skill or mix and match or if you put the points into a lower tier. The skills are divided into 3 groups for each character, so long as you put 5 total into one of those three you will be able to reach the second set of skills (for that group). If you put another another 5 in, you'll be able to reach the third set and so on. It's very simple once you understand it but they also never really come out and tell you so I can understand your confusion.