Borderlands – What happens if I reload after using the Golden Key


I'm wondering if it's possible to reload after opening the chest, (such as by quitting the game from the PS3 menu) and still keep your Golden key. I know you won't be able to keep the weapons you found inside, but will you be able to keep the key, or is it tied to your account and lost permanently the moment you use it?

I ask because I don't want to open the chest and find a shotgun and a pistol, and be stuck with really nice weapons I detest, but I'm afraid that if I test it I could lose the key AND the weapons by exiting the game without saving.

Just wondering if anyone had tried it.

Best Answer

The game is saved right when you use the key so you can't save your keys that way.

I found that out the hard way when I first opened the chest with my key (when I didn't want to yet), restarted (without picking up the loot) and found out I lost my key and had no loot.