Borderlands – Why does the FPS drop dramatically in Opportunity


For some reason whenever I'm in Opportunity and I look around at all the buildings, my FPS drops to below 40, sometimes 30. Opportunity isn't the only place it happens, but it's most notable there.

My PC specs:

  • AMD Phenom II X4 965 @ 3.68Ghz
  • Radeon HD 7950
  • 16Gb DDR3 RAM
  • 128Gb SSD

As you can see this is a pretty high end PC. I have updated all my drivers, so please don't tell me to.

Note: I just noticed this happening even more in Thousand Cuts, if you go to the Hyperion barrier and look over the Slab fortress.

Best Answer

Do you have PhysX set to higher than 'low' in your video settings? If yes, try setting it to low as you might have a large performance hit due to the fact that the PhysX would be CPU-bound if you have an AMD GPU. (Source: PC Gaming Wiki; Borderlands 2 - PhysX)

I'd also try setting the framerate option to 'Smoothed 22-62'. What it does is try to maintain your frame rate between 22-62, automatically adjusting the engine (graphics, effects, draw distance, etc) on-the-fly, to try to maintain this frame rate in parts where your PC starts to drop the frame rate below the minimum (22fps). Source: Steam forum post on 'Capped 60, smoothed 22-62, or unlimited+vsync on?' thread

If that still doesn't work for you, try changing the framerate setting to 'Unlimited' instead. Then, try changing MinDesiredFrameRate from 35 to 60 in WillowEngine.ini in the USERS directory: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\Config\. It may result in the expected performance from high-powered hardware. (Source: PC Gaming Wiki; 'Borderlands 2 - Microstutter on Powerful Rigs')