Bulletproof windows in GTA V (Singleplayer)


I am currently only aware of 3 vehicles with bulletproof windows:

  1. The police transporter van – the one that lays stingers on the road (however the side windows are not bulletproof and only have bulletproof coating)
  2. The police (SWAT?) van – that appears at higher wanted levels and also has bulletproof windows (all of them are bulletproof)
  3. A third vehicle which was gifted to "returning" people, who I am not.

The issue with the above police vehicles is they cannot be stored in 6-car garages, and they can only just fit into a characters safehouse garage. In addition, they are slow, clumsy and don't even have bulletproof tires.

So, in singleplayer, are there any vehicles (that I can buy, steal or upgrade) that come with bulletproof windows?

Best Answer

Pretty sure the only "armored vehicles" attainable in single player are the Rhino tank and the Duke O'Death (DoD is only available to "returning players" and those lucky enough to actually spawn the "Duel" random event and get away with the car). You can't even buy the stock Karuma (non-armored) in story mode.