Buying Weapons in PvP


Sorry, I'm a total noob. I've read that there should be a PvP Weaponsmith and PvP Armorsmith vendors in the Mists, with all the items for free. I can't find those vendors, and I suspect there has since been a patch which removed those NPCs.

I can find how to change my build and everything else. Just can't find out how to change my weapons! Any help please? Sorry for such the easy question…

Thank you.

Best Answer

If you check the wiki entry on Structured PvP, you'll find that:

Glory Vendors and PvP equipment were removed in the April 15, 2014 game update.

This update removed separate PvP items and introduced the wardrobe instead. All you need to do in PvP is to equip any PvE weapon with your character and while you're in any PvP match, it will have the stats of its level 80 exotic equivalent. The sigils on it can be selected in the same PvP build panel (at top of screen while in Heart of the Mists) as your PvP traits and the amulet. See the wiki entry for PvP Build for more.