Call of Duty Ghosts Private Hardcore Match with Killcam enabled


Is it possible to host a private hardcore match and have killcam enabled?
It's way more fun that way.


Best Answer

Yes but you have to work around the fact that you cannot change the hardcore preset settings. In order to be somewhat hardcore, but have a killcam change the private match settings to:

Player Options

  • Max Health: Minuscule
  • Health Regeneration : None

Team Options

  • KillCam: Enabled
  • Radar Always On: No
  • Friendly Fire: Enabled

Gameplay Options

  • Hardcore Mode: Disabled

Note: The HUD is still on while playing. There is no setting to enable/disable it. Also if you Enable Hardcore mode the HUD will be hidden but the option to enable/disable KillCams will be locked.