Can a chopper lift off with only 1 jerry can of fuel


I found a Mi-17 on the North West Airfield (without fuel). I filled it with one jerry can of fuel and tried to lift off. The rotors were turning, but I couldn't lift off.

(When I went out to get more fuel I died so I wasn't able to test it).

Was it just buggy, or do I need more fuel to lift off with a chopper?

Best Answer

The Mi-17 is capable of flying as long it has fuel, even with just a bit of fuel. But the Mi-17 don't work only with fuel.

If didn't work, may have been for several reasons, such as:

  • Engine or main rotary parts needed repairs
  • Lack of knowledge of how to pilot Mi-17
    • Arrows to move
    • Q - Up
    • Z - Down
    • X - Turn Left
    • C - Turn Right
  • Bug