Can a download code be used again after a factory reset deletes the game


I have the Zelda-colored 3DS, which comes with a Link between Worlds download code. And I downloaded it.

Now I will factory-reset the device.

After I do so, will I be able to use the code again to redownload Zelda?

Best Answer

The 3DS comes setup with an e-shop account from the factory which is tied to the serial#. Even if you factory reset the 3DS, the same e-shop account is still tied to the device. Therefore you will be able to download the game after a factory reset.

Just note that there is an option in the e-shop settings that I just noticed which allows you to deactivate the e-shop account itself. Google tells me that this will lose all of your purchases if you do this. A standard factory reset is still safe.

This same bit of info is why I was able to get Nintendo to transfer my games to a new 3DS XL via just the serial# from the old 3DS system, though you still have to contact support for them to do that.