Can a single Lightning Reed kill 3 camel zombies


I was answering this Q, and proposed 2 Lightning Reeds as a way to kill 3 Camel Zombies.

However, I'm unsure if they can be killed by just 1 Lighting Reed (with no other plants).

So, if we have a Lightning Reed on leftmost square, and 3 camel zombies coming at it, will it be able to kill all 3 alone?

No other plants, no other zombies, no plant food.

Best Answer

I seriously doubt it.

Lightning reeds do about half damage compared to a peashooter. Camel zombies have twice the hitpoints of basic zombies. In my experience, an unimpeded basic zombie travels a little over 3 squares in the time it takes a peashooter to kill it.

So, a basic zombie should be able to travel around 6 squares while taking damage from a single lightning reed, and a camel zombie should be able to travel at least 12 squares while taking damage from a single lightning reed. As there are only 9 squares in a column, I don't think the lightning reed will be able to defeat the camel zombies.