Can a villager destroy the orchard


Let's say my town fruit is pears, and I plant 3-4 orange trees in a cluster for ease of picking. Can a new villager pick that exact spot for his house and destroy my ability to get oranges? And if so, is there anything I can do to stop this?

Does the answer change if it's perfect pear trees?

Best Answer

Yes, they will. Villagers are able to move in on top of trees, bushes, etc. On the other hand, their houses are unable to spawn on rocks, PWPs or other houses. Villagers can spawn on fossils, but when they do so, the fossil is relocated to another part of the map.

(However, it is possible to "assign" the villagers a spot to place their houses. You can do this by leaving an empty plot in your village. Most villagers we like this spot and will thus build their house there. I cannot fully confirm this though.)