Can any of Batman’s gadgets knock enemies unconscious


While Batman is not actively engaged in combat with enemies (Predator mode, Stealth, etc.), do any of the gadgets alone or possibly a combination of gadgets allow Batman to knock an ememy unconcious? I'm assuming no from what I've tried, but just wanted to see if I was missing anything.

Edit: I guess I should state, besides using the disruptor along with a proximity mine laid by the enemy.

Best Answer

Off the top of my head:

  • Batarang: Stun, drop weapon
  • Batclaw: Disarm, and as @BlackBat reminds us, yank an enemy off a ledge.
  • Cryptographic Sequencer: No combat applications.
  • Disruptor: Use on a mine to KO nearby enemies.
  • Explosive Gel: Stun and knock down an enemy. KO will only occur if a wall (even a weak one) explodes next to, above or below the enemy. Enemies may also be KO'ed by a non-wall blast if it knocks them off a ledge.
  • Freeze Grenade/Freeze Cluster Grenade: immobilize only
  • Grapnel: Upgraded Grapnel Boost will KO an enemy.
  • Line Launcher: Line launcher kick will KO any enemies in the path, so will dropping down from the line for a takedown.
  • Remote Batarang: Knock down stun at high speed or lock on. Getting it electrically charged first may do a knock out (I think it did in AA, I haven't tried that in AC).
  • Remote Electrical Charge: Momentarily disrupts enemy, knocks down armored enemies.
  • Smoke Bomb: Obscures enemy sight. Can stun a tight group of enemies.
  • Sonic Batarang: Electrical discharge upgrade will KO 1 enemy equipped with a heart monitor.