Can “Blood Lust” take me above max damage


Samson's starting item, Blood Lust, increases the the damage of Isaac's tears with each kill.

Can it go beyond scale, as some damage multipliers do (i.e. Whore of Babylon)? What I'd like to know is if it has any use if I already reached the cap through other +dmg items (Blood of the Martyr, Growth Hormones, et al.).

Best Answer

After conducting some research, I do believe the answer is no. Once you have your damage maxed, Blood Lust will not increase your damage further.

On my latest play through with Samson, I picked up the Small Rock, Growth Hormones, Blood of the Martyr and a Lump of Coal, so my damage was nice and maxed. I then proceeded to face Gish, who spawns Clots quite frequently. Taking care to hit Gish just once and then proceed to kill a heap of clots before trying that again, it seemed like each of my hits still took down ~9px of Gish's health bar, which was exactly the mount of damage I did straight through the door.