ARK Survival Evolved – Can Different Wyvern Species Breed Together? Everything You Need to Know


Ok so I have a level 234 male poison wyvern and a level 229 female lightning wyvern. I had raised them and I believe they are max level. Will I be able to breed the two and get a fertilized egg, or will I need to raise two more wyverns of the opposite gender?

Best Answer

You cannot breed Wyverns at all, regardless of their type (barring mods).

The wiki article on Wyvern Eggs states (emphasis mine)

Wyvern Eggs are only found in The World Scar near the blue and red obelisks

Although it states having a Wyvern makes it easier to get more eggs, this relates to their actual movement speed making it easier to steal eggs.

Messages boards confirm that you can't breed your own Wyverns.

In fact, at least one mod exists to add Wyvern Breeding.