Space Engineers – Breaking the Speed Limit Without Mods


I was just wondering if it is possible to break the speed limit (104m/s) without using mods. I tried using more thrusters but i think its not possible. I saw a mod which helps to achieve this but i really don't want to download one.

Can planet's gravitational assist increase speed?

Best Answer

No, it does not. Even when you are accelerated by the gravity of a planet your speed maxes out at 104 m/s. You can easily check that by creating a new game with the "Star System" scenario which puts you into a lander free-falling towards the surface of a planet.

By the way, you can change the speed yourself without using mods by editing the file SpaceEngineers\Content\Data\Environment.sbc with a text editor. Just change the number 100 in these two lines to your liking:


Unfortunately every weekly update might overwrite your changes.