Can Junkrat’s RIP-Tire be healed


While playing Mercy in competitive play, I noticed that I could view the health my allied Junkrat's RIP-Tire. I was even shown a critical health indicator when the Tire had nearly been destroyed.

This made me wonder whether it was possible to heal an allied Junkrat's RIP-Tire, similar to D.Va's mech during a self-destruct.

I know that a RIP-Tire can be healed using health packs, but I'm not sure whether or not it can be healed by support heroes like Ana or Lucio.

Best Answer

You can not heal any Hero deployables or buildables in any way (with the exception of Torbjörn healing his own Turrets).

Though previously it was possible to heal Torbjorn's turrets and Junkrat's tire with health pick-ups, that was patched out at some point without making it into the patch notes.

Some examples of buildables not being healed: