The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Can Mehrunes Razor Accidentally Kill a Follower?


Lydia and I are best pals fighting hordes and hordes of the undead and the living using our blades! The only problem with Lydia is she comes close to me whenever I spam my M1-crusade and some hit hers. This was not a problem when I used some basic swords and so on… But now I use Mehrunes Razor as my primary weapon…

So my question:

Is it possible for the Mehrunes Razor to instantly kill a follower?

Specific question: If the Mehrunes Razor procs when I hit my follower Lydia, will she go to the tired/defeated stage or will it instantly kill her?

I'm afraid my spamming blows could one day kill Lydia when she gets in the way… 🙁

I have been using Mehrunes Razor for some time now and I have accidentally hit Lydia rarely (say 10 blows or so) and she survived. But considering the Razor has a low chance to proc, I think I (and Lydia) might just have been lucky….

Game status: No mods. Official add-ons installed (Hearthfire, Dawnguard).

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