Can NPCs ‘scare’ DexNav Pokemon away, and does this ruin a chain


In Alpha sapphire, I'm chaining on Route 101 for a shiny Zorua.

I find one, but the NPC walks over the patch and the Pokemon disappears, giving me the message that it ran away.

Does this kill my chain?

Best Answer

According to Bulbapedia:

A chain is broken when the player leaves the area (including entering a building), encounters a wild Pokémon that isn't hidden, or moves too quickly and scares away a hidden Pokémon.

Hidden Pokémon can be encountered for a chain either with or without the Search function. Getting the message "The Pokémon couldn't be found. Try looking in a different area!" when using the Search function does not break the chain.

So I'm pretty sure that if someone scares the pokemon it will break your chain.