Can paramedics revive civilians


In GTA 4 I liked beating up people, after which I called 911 to request an ambulance. After the paramedics got the people on their feet again I continued beating them up.

This does not seem to work in GTA 5/Online. Beating with fists, shooting legs, hitting with cars. Everything seems to be lethal. Still an ambulance drives up and checks out the bodies. They make some comment about the guy being dead and just drive away.

Is it possible to injure people in any way, causing the paramedics to actually do something?

Best Answer

According to Wikia it is possible:

Instead of only the ambulance's passenger, both paramedics will now tend to the injured. Due to the absence of the injury system, the revival attempt has been made simpler. Now, the change of revival is simply random. If the paramedics are not successful in reviving the deceased, they will now stand around the body while one examines the body and the other files a report. Pedestrians may gather around the body and watch, while police may arrive in the case of many murders. If revival is possible, the injured will enter the ambulance with the help of the paramedics and will be driven to hospital.

This indicates it IS possible for a pedestrian to be revived by paramedics. You (or actually the pedestrians) are just very unlucky so it seems.