Deus Ex – Can the Player Receive Gray Death Treatment?


In Deus Ex you can choose care plan for Gray Death virus for a hefty price (you are be charged in advance). You can advance to the surgery bay, an area with some medical bots and empty tables, but nothing ever seems to happen. Can JC Denton (player character, on the left) receive treatment?

Deus Ex Gray Death plan

Deus Ex Gray Death plan

Best Answer

This is not related to Gray Death. This is for access to use special part of Clinic with MedBots.

See for more details (inlcuding 2k price with 40% discount)

Now about (not so relevant) Q in title:

Does gray death treatment ever begin?

The answer is Yes, what's Ambrosia is for then? If we ask differently, did JC had any (chance for) treatment?

There is exactly one vial in the game - in a chemical lab on upper decks of PRCS Wall Cloud. You can deliver it to Stanton Dowd to help him with his sickness. It has no effect if you use it on yourself, other than being rewarded with the message, "Strange...nothing happens..."

Except that I dont recall anything. All medics and medical institution offer only HP restore and Augmentation installation.