Can quests disappear before I do them


I'm not sure but I think the quests, 'Path of the Hunter' and 'Wanted Dead' have disappeared before I did them. Because I remember seeing them on the map, but then I proceeded with the story, thinking that I will do them later. But now I don't see them.

I just finished "the man named Hoyt" mission, and so far I have only done one hunting quest, and there is no other. I have unlocked 6-7 radio towers. Or is it normal (i.e. will new hunting quests will appear as I progress?) but I'm 99% sure there were others before.

Best Answer

I am a player that has platinum on this game , even though I haven't played it in a while, I recall those hunting missions. You are right, as you progress they will unlock. I would suggest you leave all the side missions /hunting missions for last after you finish the story so you have something to do after the story is done. (they don't disappear, some you require some things to be able to unlock them.)