Final Fantasy 14 – Can a Macro Detect if an Action Was Successful in Final Fantasy 14?


I have a fairly straightforward macro to announce a Raise target in public groups:

/micon "Raise"
/ac "Raise" <t>
/p Raise on <t>

Sometimes my Raise doesn't go through. Either I'm out of range and didn't notice or my spells were still on the GCD when I tried to Raise while dodging mechanics, and I have to activate the macro again, leading to a number of duplicate lines in party chat.

Is there a way to only announce the Raise if the cast was successful? This would also help me notice my cast failed because the error text is often hard to see (especially in red environments), but party chat is easy to follow.

Best Answer

Unfortunately no, this isn't possible. We're already allowed to write the macros and "pseudo" script. But allowing this would open the door to even more automation inside the game.