Overwatch – Can the Photon Barrier Block Ultimates? | Ultimate Mechanics


Symmetra recently received some tender love and care for her kit, and this TLC added the new Photon Barrier ability. On a 10 second cooldown with 1000 health, this thing is pretty powerful. However, it's quite small in size.

Can this shield be used to block certain ultimates as other shields (Reinhardt and Winston) do? Can Reinhardt HAMMER DOWN! through it? Can D.VA truly NERF THIS!!! through the Photon Barrier?

Best Answer

It has the exact same behavior as Reinhardt's shield and Winston's bubble shield (and any other energy powered shield for that matter) so yes it should block both of those ults, although Earthshatter could go through the shield if it's not touching the ground (same as if Reinhardt is looking up).