DragonVale Tips – Can the Result of the Race Spin Be Controlled?


I deliberately ask this as a separate question from my question about wheel prizes, as I believe they are separate topics.

I have observed that I can slowly turn the wheel before spinning, to see the possible prizes. However, despite attempts to manipulate this to my advantage, the wheel seems to have an inconsistent momentum when I apply what I believe to be similar acceleration. Sometimes it seems to just stop decelerating when it is near stopped, and other times it stops abruptly. So, is it at all possible to influence the outcome of the spin or is it just a visual sham with randomized results even when a consistent acceleration is applied?

Best Answer

The visualization of the wheel is indeed a sham. The pause that is experienced when you spin the wheel is actually the result being returned from the server (The game has some blocking issues with networking traffic, you can also see this when breeding dragons and such).

As far as many many many races have proven, there is no rhyme or reason to where the wheel starts or how fast you spin it as to what result you will be given. This simply seems to be random and the wheel will spin at a high speed, slow down and then continue to spin until the prize comes on the screen. It will then slow down one final time, spin 3 more slots and then stop on your prize. The space that just came on the screen at the time of the final slow down is your prize.