Can Vitality and specific class help in Belcher’s Bluff


Belcher's Bluff is a minigame based on exausting the opponent life before yours using various skills and strategies.

That said, it is already confirmed in various guides that using foods as mango pie and regeneration boosters one can have an easier life, since life regeneration helps in outlasting the opponent.

Does the base class life, Vitality stat, and regeneration skills or traits also influence the health amount and regeneration during the minigame, allowing to easier wins with certain class/skills/traits/gear combination?

Best Answer

No. Vitality, traits, and passive signet effects do not affect you during Belcher's Bluff. For the first two days after it was introduced, nourishment consumables would affect you, but that was a bug that was fixed today.

That being said, there is still a bug that you can (ab)use to make Belcher's Bluff easier: Rejuvenation Boosters will affect you.