Can we increase overall dps by alternating with melee attack


In Overwatch we have a melee attack. Mei's melee punch causes the same damage as Genji's melee sword strike – 30 points. Each melee attack takes 1 second.

I know that if Roadhog runs out of ammo and then uses his chain hook, then it doesn't improve his overall DPS. What happens is, after hooking, Roadhog will still have to reload. I often end up in a situation where my Roadhog is reloading after I successfully hook them.

However, many players incorporate melee attacks. It's as if melee attacks are good even though the DPS is much lower than their own ranged attack.

Genji, for example, does 84 DPS with his shurikens – yet sometimes does melee too.

The only explanation I can think of is that melee improves DPS. So DPS on melee is an addition instead of replacing the other attacks.

Am I correct?

Can anyone give details?

Best Answer

Melee does 30 DPS which is lower than any primary attack so its not viable to use constantly and all the time.

There are some exceptions where you can and in fact should use melee:

  1. The developers state that melee can be used to cancel ability animation. Instead of waiting for the animation to end you can quickly sneak a melee attack.
  2. More importantly melee is used to output just a little bit more damage when you have nothing else to do. Genji has so much ammo at his disposal to do 84 DPS, after which, he needs to reload, so does Mei. When you're in the middle of a fight, and you're out of ammo you can melee as a last hope, or if you have some ability - melee and use that (melee + Mei's Cryo-Freeze, melee + Genji's Swift Strike)
  3. Sometimes you can see you need only so much damage to finish the kill and it would be much faster to do melee damage than it would be to even do a normal attack. Roadhog's primary attack after a hook does plenty damage and most heroes would be released from a stun by the time you can shoot again, so melee in this case is guaranteed damage to the enemy.

Extra proof of 30 DPS melee: