Can you change the difficulty during strikeforce missions and still get the achievements


Okay so I'm playing the game on veteran to get the achievements, I was wondering if you can lower the difficulty on strikeforce missions and change it to veteran when nearly finished. So I can still get the veteran achievement. I want the good ending so that's why I'm doing it. Strikeforce missions on veteran are a pain in the ass.

Best Answer

I don't know about changing the difficulty, but after many tried and failed attempts on Veteran difficulty, I think I found an easy strategy to beat FOB Spectre.

I start by calling all my infantry to the ComSat station. I then take control of the CLAW near the power transformer. I left the cooling tower unguarded. Controlling the CLAW, I just sit at the power transformer and take out the incoming infantry and drones. This strategy allows me to keep the CLAW alive, while my incoming reinforcements continue to guard the sat station. The location of the CLAW also allows me to provide some cover for the infantry at the ComSat station by shooting incoming drones.

Once the cooling tower and ComSat get taken down, I walk the claw into the the building for the final showdown. Once inside, I was able to use the CLAW to keep the enemy forces at bay until just over a minute remaining. At that point the enemy took out my CLAW. I finished the mission as infantry, running and gunning into the factory to blow up any EMPs that were placed.

This method worked out well for me, and allowed me to beat the level the first time I tried it this way. I could not break the 5 minute mark before I tried it this way.

Good luck!