rocket-league – Getting Painted or Certified Items with Trade-Ins in Rocket League


The June update recently added a rare chance for Painted items (wheels/toppers with different colours) or Certified items that track a different stat than usual to drop after matches. I wasn't able to find any information on whether or not trading in my existing toppers (e.g. 5 uncommon –> 1 rare) can result in a Painted or Certified topper. Can anyone advise as to whether they have obtained a Painted/Certified item through a trade-in as opposed to a random drop?

Best Answer

It is most certainly possible to get a painted and/or certified from a trade up. Below are two video examples of getting a painted, and then a painted and certified item from a trade up. These items are from the latest Turbo crate but the rules apply to any items traded up.

Trade ups

Painted Endo

Painted and Certified Tachyon