Can you hit two players with one bullet


I wonder if it is possible to hit two players with one bullet, if they are standing/walking behind each other.

I dont ask about shotguns which have a wide range.
But what about the other weapons (especially sniper rifles). Can they penetrate a player and also hit the player behind them with the same bullet?

I saw that here are some questions like this for other games in which this is possible but i wonder if this is also possible in pubg, and if so, under which circumstances? (specific weapons, armor, …)

Best Answer

You can not hit more than one player with a single bullet in PU Battlegrounds.

As of Jan 5th 2018 PUBG only has a very limited amount of bullet penetration physics, limited to "doors, water, and wooden shacks" (source).

Bullets, and crossbow bolts, do not pass through other players. In fact bullets will not even pass through the dead body of another player.

So unfortunately, no collateral kills for the foreseeable future.