Can you pray too much


I recently acquired Rosa and have been making very frequent use of her free healing and MP restoration with Pray. It seems to have been decreasing in power as I use it, and most recently went completely unanswered. Does praying too much lessen its power or is it just random?

Best Answer

In the original incarnations, Pray was 50% chance to cast Cure, and a 50% chance to do nothing at all. The fact that it was just a cast of Cure made it somewhat less appealing later in the game when HP is higher and more powerful healing is possible.

In the DS/mobile versions (which you are playing):

Pray restores both HP and MP, the amount of which is dependent on the party member's max HP and MP, and has a higher rate of success.

Beyond the chance to fail, Pray is otherwise unlimited and no ill effects will occur from its (over)use. Abuse away.

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