Can you save everyone in Haven


During the invasion, you are tasked with rescuing several people. However, no matter how many times I try, I can never seem to save them all. Is this intended or am I doing something wrong?

Best Answer

Can be done, even on Nightmare. It is imperative that you follow a fairly precise route, though.

  1. Clear the doorway at the forge so Harritt can get his things.
  2. Enter the gates and turn right to save Lysette.
  3. Head back the way you came and go up the next set of stairs. Wait for the enemies to come to you to avoid starting the timer for Flissa.
  4. Head into the tavern by the closest door and rescue Flissa. Ignore enemies when you do this.
  5. Head back out by the same door. Do NOT use the door next to Flissa -- you'll trigger the explosive pots too soon. You can now finish off the enemies near the tavern but stay away from the pots area.
  6. Then, head straight up the path towards the pots. Rescue Adan first, then Minaeve. It can be done, but it is a very narrow window.
  7. Then go to the requisitions area and rescue the woman (Threnn) there.
  8. Head back down the stairs to save Seggrit from the burning building. The door is blocked so you'll have to climb a ladder and jump over to the log piles and jump inside the building.

The key thing is to avoid entering the trigger area until you're ready. As soon as you hit the trigger boundary, one of your companions will say they hear a survivor. When that happens, drop everything and run to the rescue.