Can you take over a NPC’s home in Skyrim


A dragon came into town and a NPC was killed in the fight. I was able to looted his body and I found the key to his home (He seems to have no wife). So my question is, did I just gain a free home? Or is some long lost relative going to show up while I'm off questing and take over the house?

Best Answer

I just tested this by merciclessly slaughtering Sven and Hilde while they slept in their Riverwood home.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, if you have, you know, scruples), even after death all of their chests are considered "owned": you still get marked as a thief for attempting to open them, which is a sure sign the room is not safe to store belongings in.

So no, despite what Davy Jones or any salty seadog might tell you, it's not safe to use a dead man's chest and/or store rum in it.