Can you visit other people’s towns between a 3DS and a 2DS


Can you visit other people's towns between a 3DS and a 2DS on Animal Crossing New Leaf

My friends have it on the 3DS and use it to visit each other, but I was going to get the 2DS and was wondering if I could still visit them

Best Answer

For all 3DS games, and games in the 3DS family: The system you play it on may enable/disable individual options but you can generally play between a 2DS, 3DS, and New 3DS.

So Animal Crossing will work on all three systems and will allow for one system to visit another. Some other games (Xenoblade for example) will only work on the New 3DS. In a case like this, there's no option to play with the other two systems. Generally speaking, if a game works on 2DS, it will be compatible for any of the 3DS family of systems.